About Me

Hi there! I am a senior undergrad at University of Hong Kong (HKU), majoring in computer science and mathematics.

My research interests lie in data mining and recommender systems, with a focus on developing machine learning models that can reason over richly-labeled relational structures, graphs, and networks. I am particularly interested in applying graph neural networks and large language models to build multi-modal foundation models.

I am also open to other topics. Feel free to reach out if you would like to chat!

Research Experiences

Department of CS, Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA)
May 2024 - Now
Summer research intern advised by Prof. Rex Ying

Data Intelligence Lab, University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR, China)
Sept 2023 - May 2024
Research intern advised by Prof. Chao Huang

IFDS, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI, USA)
Mar 2023 – Aug 2023
Research assistant of Prof. Hanbaek Lyu